The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy that is part of the Local Group of galaxies. Although the Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe,[4] its special significance to humanity is that it is the home galaxy of our Solar System. The plane of the Milky Way galaxy is visible from Earth as a band of light in the night sky, and it is the appearance of this band of light which has inspired the name for our galaxy. It is extremely difficult to define the age at which the Milky Way formed, but the age of the oldest star in the Galaxy yet discovered, HE 1523-0901, is estimated to be about 13.2 billion years, nearly as old as the Universe itself. -Source: Wikipedia.

Note: Click on any link or the Milky Way Image auto closes the panel.



aboutI guess that first of all I should introduce myself, so, Hell/0,
Welcome to iblackmilk, I’m Jonatän Sophie a.k.a natan / iblackmilk.

iBlackmilk is an experimental project focusing on design, prototype tattoo and simply a playground for those various voices in my head. A visual playground to showcase some of the work that I have created in digital media .I'm a graphic designer, web designer, tattoo designer, tattooist, painter, illustrator..

In depth

Why I do feel that someone has to say many of the things; the reality is that I am nothing special.
I am just a dude who likes to make people happy through good design.

Born in Mauritius .
Alien designer living in italy & working over Europe as Creative designer for multiple creative agency .
Shared life with muse & wife , photographer Sia Most of the time busy with my work & several other projects focusing of original tattoo artworks and Interface development.
Design is my biggest interest, it isn't just my job, its my hobby as well and is something I do in my spare time. I am used to constantly adapting my skills to keep up with the latest industry standards, I try to do this by spending as much time as I can on the web researching, learning and absorbing as much information as possible.
With each project I strive to create innovative and original yet simple and usable design. I have a great passion for web technologies, design techniques, tattoo designs and typography, and try to learn pretty much everything I encounter in these fields.


Digital Media Web design Tattoos Freehand
• Photoshop • Dreamweaver • H&S -Puma 10 wrap • Mechanical Rotring
• Indesign • Flash • H&S -Puma 8 wrap • Rotring Pen
• After effect • Swishmax • Sweep Fine liner
• Illustrator • Php designer • Sweep 2 liner
• Coreldraw • Extended Notepad • Charcoal

Stuffs im listening

iBlackmilk's Profile Page


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